LSH Auto Australia Town Hall Returns
After two years of online briefings, everyone at LSH Auto Australia was excited to get back to in-person Town Hall group presentations to the teams at Mercedes-Benz Melbourne, Mercedes-Benz Sydney, and Mercedes-Benz Brisbane.
On successive evenings, Managing Director John Good and members of the senior management team ran through highlights of the group’s performance in the first half of 2022, as well as celebrating the recent Masters Club and Choice Award winners. We covered the community, business, and cultural engagements the group is progressing, highlighted some of the exciting new product arriving and outlined the ongoing development of the LSH Auto Australia brand.
The dealership teams also heard inspiring messages from LSH Auto Australia Ambassadors, multiple Olympic swimming champion - Stephanie Rice, Artistic Director of the Queensland Ballet - Li Cunxin and renowned chef - Shannon Bennett.
SThe regular Town Hall briefings are part of LSH Auto Australia’s focus on creating a group culture based on a shared vision and understanding of a common goal, being to deliver extraordinary customer experiences. The focus on team engagement is also part of why LSH Auto Australia was recognised as one of Australia’s Best Places to Work 2021 by AFR BOSS magazine’s annual rankings