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Quarter 1 Choice Awards Announced

We are proud to announce the Q1 2022 LSH Auto Australia Choice Awardees.

They are Mercedes-Benz Brisbane Pre-Owned Reconditioning Supervisor - Steve Newman, Mercedes-Benz Sydney Retail Business Manager – Luke Rafferty and Mercedes-Benz Melbourne Certified Pre-Owned Executive Charlie Yildiz.

Steve is known for getting hands-on and works to ensure a happy and friendly work environment. He enjoys spending time with his grandkids and working on his acreage property

Luke has been an important contributor to the transition to agency. He works to ensure a respectful, collaborative workplace and considers the team at Mercedes-Benz Sydney one big family. In his personal time, he enjoys riding his Harley-Davidson and connecting with friends

Charlie is known at Mercedes-Benz Melbourne for being the first in and last out, on most days. He enjoys the team culture and works to maintain a can-do attitude. His hobbies include working out and mountain biking.

Steve nominated The National Pancreas Foundation as the charity to receive a donation on his behalf, Luke nominated The Smith Family and Charlie nominated The Royal Children's Hospital Foundation Melbourne. Congratulations to all three for demonstrating the team spirit and dedication to excellence that is core to the LSH Auto Australia culture.